Green Heron
Photo by Joanne Bolemon
The Green Heron crouch down on sticks, branches, or anything they can stand on and wait for their pray. Eating mostly small fish, but will also eat crustaceans like crayfish, aquatic insects, and frogs. They have also been known to eat snakes, snails, earthworms, and even small rodents.
These birds are about the size of a crow, and in-flight, have a front-heavy appearance.
Photo by Judy Rogero
Photo by John Patrick
Photo by John Patrick
They are very introverted and tend to nest near small bodies of water or dense vegetation for cover. They will also flick their tail when nervous.
Both parents incubate and feed the babies. Around 16-17 days after hatching they will climb about the nest and take their first flight after around 21-23 days, though still being fed by their parents for a few more weeks after.